
Our earth is not disposable, toner cartridges shouldn't be either!
As a part of our commitment to the environment, Sharp Electronics offers our customers a zero waste toner recycling for all Sharp consumables, including: cartridges, bottles, toner collection containers and drum units.
- It’s free & easy to ship your recyclables in bulk
- We provide all collection and shipping materials
- We provide all shipping and recycling costs
- We further reduce our carbon footprint by more efficiently shipping in bulk (box fits up to 10 cartridges)
- All consumables are 100% recycled with ZERO waste to a landfill
If you do not wish to use the free bulk recycling program, see Low Volume Recycling Option below.
To schedule a pickup if you do not have daily FedEx service:
Go to and select “Schedule a Pickup” then “Schedule a Ground Return Pickup”. User ID and password are not required.
Call 1-800-GO-FEDEX (1-800-463-3339) and say “Ground Return Pickup”.
If you have any questions regarding the Stop, Drop, Recycle Program, please call 866-265-6906.

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